Kids & Parenting Books

So Shy – Vicki Morrison

Jake is shy; so shy that he has no friends. His only playmate is his shadow. But shadows can't talk, and Jake longs for a real friend. One day his kindness and bravery help him forget his shyness and win him a wonderful new friend. Here is the perfect book to help young children overcome their shyness, and believe in themselves. 

Age: 2-6 years


You with the Stars in Your Eyes – Deepak Chopra

On a cool summer’s eve, five-year-old Tara takes a walk on the beach with her grandfather. When he is not quite sure how to answer her questions about love and life, the Moon joins in on the conversation. This book is a sweet and poignant story that reveals the meaning of true love. 

Age: 4-6 years

Incredible You! – Dr Wayne Dyer

It’s never too early for children to know that they're unique and powerful beings, and that they have everything they need within themselves to create happy, successful lives. With this book, parents can introduce these important ideas to their children. 

Age: 3-7 years

The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents – Deepak Chopra

A guide for parents on how to offer their children a spiritual framework and offers helpful advice on how to convey these values to children of all ages.

Fire in the Heart – Deepak Chopra

A spiritual guide for teens. Written as a story about what a 15-year-old boy learns from a wise old man, it tackles big philosophical questions in an uncomplicated way – without talking down to teens.

Age: 11-16 years

It’s Not Your Fault Koko Bear - Vicki Lansky

Koko, a lovable bear, learns what divorce means. Children will share KoKo's angry and sad feelings, understand that these are natural and discover what to expect about life in a family apart. Each page contains practical tips for parents to help make their divorce transition easier. 

Age: 6-7 years

Divorce Workbook for Children – Lisa Schab

While children may sometimes not show apparent signs of the stress of a divorce, the strain it places on them is very real and, left ignored, can develop into serious problems in the years to come. This book addresses these issues. 

Ages: 9-12 years

The Secret to Teen Power –Paul Harrington

The Secret to Teen Power explains how the law of attraction can help teens navigate their friendships, relationships, schoolwork & money.

Ages: 14-18 years

Was It the Chocolate Pudding? A Story for Little Kids about Divorce – Levins and Langdo

One of the most common effects of divorce on young children is the impression that their parents' separation is somehow their fault. This book tells the story of divorce from the point of view of young child and explains that divorce is not the child's fault - it is a grown-up problem.

Ages: 2-6 years

Parenting after Divorce – Philip Stahl

"Parents argue a lot before a divorce," says Dr. Stahl. "If they continue to argue after the divorce, their children will suffer." Stahl knows parents are not perfect, and he uses that knowledge to show imperfect parents how to settle their differences in the best interests of the children.

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